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The use of a mediator to help resolve disputes is a widely used practice and one that can be a wise choice for family law cases. A mediator is an unbiased third party that will listen to both sides while remaining completely neutral. Mediators Are A Great Alternative The idea of going to court to…

Choosing your divorce mediator is the first step in resolving your divorce. Courts in Oklahoma are following most other states of insisting that families seek the assistance of a divorce mediator before appearing before the judge. This allows the couple to discuss all personal and sensitive matters in private while exploring options the court just…

Things Nobody Told you About Divorce In today’s world, divorce seems more common than ever. When about half of all couples split up eventually, it is a sign that society is changing. Still, it doesn’t make it any easier on couples and children of divorce. According to Rowdy G. Williams, “no one ever enters a…

Learning how to co-parent after divorce can be a very trying and organic process. These 10 tips are a great place to start.  Be there for your children, both physically and emotionally. Talk with your children about the divorce. Don’t involve children in adult problems. Support the other parent’s role and relationship with your children….

By Divorce Magazine “In few other areas of law do the parties to a lawsuit share an intimate a knowledge of each other as do those in a divorce case. In addition, in few other areas of law will the parties have an ongoing relationship with each other after the lawsuit is completed. In a car…

By Roseann Vanella If you and your spouse have decided that there are irreconcilable differences and it is time to part ways, you need to decide how to best go about dissolving the marriage. These days, couples are increasingly turning to divorce mediation as a way to avoid costly and protracted litigation. It can be…

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