Begin Your Resolution Process Today!!
Thank you for choosing PhloxADR to assist you in resolving your dispute amicably.
Please fill out this form completely, we will then reach out to the other party.
Labels marked “Initiate” means you. Labels marked “Respondent” means the other party.
This form will be sent to our Dispute Resolution Coordinators who will make contact with all parties and proceed to setup and schedule the process. If you have more than one Respondent, please fill out the form with the first Respondent and upload a PDF listing the other Respondents or contact us and we will be glad assist you.
You may upload PDFs and/or JPGs as needed. Limited to 5 file at 5MB each, Please upload them one at a time. If you need assistance or have any questions please give us a call 405-765-8030 or send us a message through the form below.
We Want to Help You Resolve Conflict
If you need assistance or have any questions please give us a call 405-765-8030 or send us a message through the form below. One of our experienced ADR specialists will contact you and to help.