Is There a Difference in Mediators? Many many times were ask: “Is there a difference in mediators?” such as, training, education, attorney, practice area, volunteer, private, community, style, etc. This article by Dr. Justin Wood, Th.d., CJME, I hope to clarify many of these questions. Education Level A mediator with a good education can think…
By: Dr. Justin Wood, Th.d, CJME The amount of sessions or time needed depends on several factors including the complexity of the issues involved in your case, the level of animosity among the parties, and the willingness of the parties to reach an agreement. The majority of disputes will resolve in one or two sessions,…
To have a successful mediation experience, you should come to the table well organized and prepared to explain your side of the story and listen to the other side’s perspective. Some of the following tips will help guide you toward a productive mediation process: Confirm meeting logistics well in advance to ensure all parties and…
By: Dr. Justin Wood, Th.d, CJME Direct negotiation is a dispute resolution technique process at the beginning of the ADR spectrum. It is often a good starting point to see if a conflict can be resolved without needing to use mediation, arbitration or court litigation. In direct negotiation, the parties may or may not be…

Mediation Week 2017 Presentation – No Audio