Family matters are more about resolving the problem and restoring the relationship, effectively ending the battles. Because we are dealing with family issues, it's a broad range of dispute topics; but, whether you have a family business, teen troubles, estate dispute or other family issue, we have a solution to help everyone.

Separation Agreement
A common issue that arises which will cause vast amounts of aggravation, hostility and stress is the process of separation. If you need to separate to make life more manageable, consider a separation agreement.
These agreements let both parties know how matters will be handled during the process of reconciliation, counseling, cooling-off or pre-divorce decree. Set boundaries, child co-parenting, visitation, bills, insurance and establish a guideline for many other family concerns during this uncertain period. These agreements can be handled virtual or in-person, ⇒ Contact Us ⇐.
Please NOTE: Temporary orders issued by the court many times exceed the maximum and put the couple into a very stressful situation causing more fighting and animosity. Strongly consider avoiding court temporary orders and trying to work together.

Family Business Dispute Solution
Problems that arise in a family business take special care and precision to navigate. We build plans with everyone’s input to see how the family and stakeholder’s best see a resolution. You can’t fire grandma; so, what is at the core of the dispute, what is effecting the peace and harmony, how can we restore the family and get back to business.
The hours you spend working with each other is only part of your together time. Now, you have to live with each other too. Let us break it down and see what options will work, what help is needed and what changes need made.
We can build non-traditional business agreements where family is first but business is livelihood. Help you mediate a dispute to find a solution. Teach you Conflict Management to better handle and resolve conflict. Use our arbitration service to allow an experienced arbitrator to issue an award that resolves your dispute, when all other options have failed. No one else has this array of services.

Estate Dispute Resolution
When someone has passed, there is a gap in your life as-well-as everyone else in the family. The pain, sorrow, memories, past and future all come rushing into your mind. The last thing you need to is fight in the courts over their will or estate.
Estates that have been passed on to family may not seem fair to you. Destroying your relationship and the family is definitely NOT what was intended. Let things cool by looking at the intention of the giver, tell us about their life with you and how things can be improved. Celebrate their life by resolving the conflict that has started in the family.
We offer mediation to workout and find a solution resolving the dispute and arbitration to make a final award, if needed, to end a dispute.

Parent Child Conflict Management
Whether you have a blended, adopted, separated or single family or a one or two parent household; there will be conflict. Parents do their best to teach and raise children to be productive adults and children do their best to learn and grow to be responsible adults.
Sometimes you need help to build plans, set boundaries or establish goals and we are the perfect place. Our Conflict Management is learning to listen to understand not listening to respond. What is communicated is more important than what was said; the feelings, intent, reasoning and internal/external forces.
Conflict Management is not therapy and everyone will be responsible for their own agreement and negotiating. We are here to teach everyone what is most important to the other party. Both sides will build an understanding and layout benefits and consequences
Children need things too. Since conflict management is a two way street, both sides will have demands and concessions. There will be give and take on both sides in any workable negotiation. We help both sides to be heard.
Common Family Conflict Management
- Single Parent and Teen
- Teen Driving Responsibility
- School - Sports - Work Time Management
- Blending a Family Together
- Responsibility and Accountability
- Education vs Freedom
Stop the Family Conflict
See how we can help resolve you r family dispute matter more peacefully and with less stress. Give us a call 405-765-8030 or send us a message on this form.