Mediation is a simple process that puts you in charge, is private and confidential, and is much less stressful. A neutral third-party (the mediator) intervenes to help identify issues and resolve the dispute to an amicable agreement.
Though mediation is a voluntary process, many courts are requiring mediation before the judge will hear the case. This is especially true in family and civil cases. Mediation can be performed with or without an attorney, this is your option.
If you cannot reach an agreement (impasse), you can escalate to arbitration or litigate in court. You never give up your power in mediation to a 3rd party to imposes a decision.
Not just for court and legal cases. Mediation is perfect for non-legal matters where parties need to create an understanding or set boundaries. Situations like roommate issues, neighbor / HOA problems, and employment disputes. We resolve problems before they are actually problems.
The Mediator will
- Help the Parties Explore Options
- Open Communications
- Walk Parties though their Options
- Assist with Difficult Situations
- Formalize the Final Agreement
The Mediator Won't
- Represent any Party
- Provide or Give Legal Advice
- Make a Decision for You
- Coerce or Force Agreements
- Disclose Information
Mediation Saves Time - 70%
We can arraign a mediation within days, unlike court, which may take months. Courts commonly get over scheduled and you are “continued” to return weeks later without anyone hearing your case.
A Mediation typically takes one or two session to work out all the details. If more sessions are needed, we simply choose another date and proceed.
No Legal Mumbo-Jumbo or writing lengthy and complicated motions / briefs; mediation moves right into resolving the dispute.
Mediation Saves Money - 60%
The average cost of a mediation is $350 – $1,200; where retaining an attorney costs $2,500 – $5,000. Court is gummed up with legal paperwork, inefficient processes and judges with overloaded dockets. How can justice be served when you have 1 minutes to explain your situation.?
Our mediation process is scheduled in blocks (2-hour / 4-hour / 6-hour / 8-hour); so you have time to explain the situation, think about options and work out problems. Depending on the amount of discussion needed in your situation, our 4 and 6 hour blocks are the most common. With our block scheduling, you are not rushed and watching a clock.
Mediation Save Stress - 80%
Courts were not designed to resolve disputes but to be the last resort after all other options have failed. Who has ever walked into a courtroom and felt at ease, NO ONE ! They are designed to be uncomfortable and intimidating. This raises your stress level, causes anxiety and scares most children and adults. The constant waiting and legal discussions increase stress as-well.
We are different!
We want to quickly get to the issues, discuss options and find workable solutions to move you away from stress and repair the relationship.
Private & Confidential
Keeping your discussions, information and personal life private is primary in Mediation. Everything you submit to court is public knowledge and easily searchable on the internet. Courts even pay companies to make your information public and sell your information to whomever.
Nothing in mediation is public information or allowed to be used as evidence per the US Supreme Court’s ruling. There is no audio or video recordings and all notes will be collected and destroyed. Only the final memorialized agreement exists after mediation and serves as the formal documentation.

Comfortable and Relaxed
We meet in comfortable conference rooms, have drinks and snacks available and relax in comfortable chairs. You can’t think clearly if you’re uncomfortable and feel like you’re in a dungeon. Churches learned decades ago that hard benches, no leg room, creaking doors, dark bathrooms and hours of waiting without any refreshments were not contributing to people’s comfort. Yet, courts continue this today.
Our over 30 meeting facilities are secure with staff onsite.
We provide everything ! You just bring any documents or information you need to discuss.

Virtual Mediation
We have a completely virtual mediation service. NO travel, no illnesses, no restraining order problems, no excuses.
You can resolve your dispute right from your home, office or hotel room. Mediation available to AnyOne AnyWhere.

Large Conference Mediation
The amount of parties or people are not an issue. We have handled mediations with over 300 persons. Our unique system allows for multiple locations, virtual and staged mediation. We have the solution.
Our services comply with most any other state’s court processes including court required mediation and recommendations made by the US Supreme Court. Note does not imply endorsement.

Are you Ready
Begin a mediation today by simply clicking the button below and filling out our initiation form. We will contact everyone involved and get a virtual or in-person mediation scheduled within a few days.
We Make Dispute Resolution Simple
We resolve more problems than most. Give us a call 405-765-8030 or send us a message and we can guide you to the perfect solution. Don’t let a dispute tear you apart or destroy your relationship, resolve TODAY.