No matter what side you’re on in a legal dispute, the thought of going to court to fight your case can be extremely stressful. You may not want to withdraw the case, but the legal fees and time can be quite the burden. However, there are non-court routes you can take. These are the reasons why you should go for arbitration and mediation instead of having a lawsuit in court.
Going to court can be extremely expensive, even if you win the suit. Many parties to a lawsuit prefer to settle or otherwise avoid the costs of discovery, depositions, and the trial itself. You’ll still be billed for an arbitrator’s time but given how much faster arbitration is than going to trial, you’ll find the expense is far less. Talk with an arbitrator about their specific fees. Getting this expense breakdown and comparing it to that of what you’d pay for a full-on trial should make the choice obvious, at least from a financial standpoint.
Court cases are never filed and then resolved on the same day, or even the same week. Arbitration cases aren’t either, but they do tend to be completed much sooner. Instead of waiting up to several years as a case sits in limbo, arbitration can settle cases in as-little-as a month or more, this depends on the complexity and discovery needed. It’s still important to take time with these processes, as you wouldn’t want a decision to be rash. Nonetheless, arbitration expedites the process and makes reaching a decision happen far sooner.
More Cordial
Meditation cases act more like a negotiation than a feud. There will be disagreements. Otherwise, the two parties wouldn’t be meeting. Free of the rigors of the courtroom but still handled with professionalism, the mediation process lets each party see the other as wanting to reach a goal. There might have to be concessions and clarifying, but when it’s all over, both parties should be able to feel like they’ve gotten something out of it. Go into mediation with an attitude not of “winning” outright, but of helping both you and the other party reach a sound conclusion.
Arbitration and mediation won’t completely eliminate stress, as you still need to focus on making sure you present your case in the best possible fashion. However, compared to going to trial, they can put your mind much more at ease. You should be looking for as many ways as possible to avoid a prolonged trial. With these options, you’ll be able to avoid some of the chaos and related stress that comes with going to court.
Do you have a need for mediation or arbitration? PhloxADR offers virtual and in-person services to begin the resolution process. Contact us for more information.