Additional services that are offered by PhloxADR are in support of reduced conflict and methods to avoid conflict. The best way to prevent conflict is to be prepared for conflict by setting agreements or measures in place to handle the conflict. We further offer Conflict Management; this is training or an evaluation to teach you, your staff or entire company how to avoid conflict.
Expect the Best, Prepare for the Worst.
Here are some examples of conflict that commonly arise which are preventable.
- You agreed to live with with someone (co-habitat). One day you come home and find, without consult, the roommate has adopted two new dogs. Now you have 6 dogs in the house and their fighting. (Co-Habituating Agreement)
- You co-habitat with someone and they decide to get cable service with pay-per-view at $50 per game for football but you hate football and never agreed to pay for this. You may be required to pay for half the bill by a judge when you move out. (Co-Habituating Agreement)
- You’ve been married and after weeks of fighting one partner moves out. Who pays for the rent, food, car payments, insurance, child care, etc. Can you support everything yourself? (Separation Agreement or Nuptial Agreement)
- You started a business and hired employees, now they are posting negative information on Facebook about you and the business. (Employment Agreement)
- Your business partner has recently decided to only work 15 hours a week but wants to keep their salary and all bonuses while you pick up the extra 25 work hours without compensation. (Business Agreement)
- Your company keeps getting complaints for sexual harassment, people arguing, bullying or issues between management and employees. This is perfect for our Conflict Management. We have several options. (Conflict Management Coaching)
- You and your friends start a business and you create a super-sweet game app making $5,000/month. They sell the app to another company and split the money but do not pay you. They argue, since you didn’t have money to invest in starting the company, the app belongs to the company. (Intellectual Property Agreement)
These are just examples of how conflict arises rapidly. If you have not thought these things through, even a little, they can be quite devastating and may prevent any resolution without judicial intervention.
We want to support you to establish simple, cost effective, pre-dispute measures. This can save you much undue stress and potentially ending up on the streets or your financial future destroyed forever.
How Pre-Dispute Works
Depending on the type of situation: the parties come together with one of our ADR specialists. We provide you with some points to think about and you tell us what you want to establish as pre-disputes guidelines. It is up to you how much you want added to the agreement or how little.
We have written agreements that are simple and outline the very basics to agreements they are very detailed. We are there to help you work through and think about how different situations will affect you. Since every situation is different, we customize agreements to you and your situation.
We can also offer a consult or refer you to an attorney who works with your type of situation. We do not charge for this but the attorney may charge a fee. Depending on the situation, it may be well worth it.
Navigate to our Additional Services
ADR Contract Clauses
A proper ADR contract clause stops most court action and redirects the dispute to less adversarial methods to resolve the dispute.
Cohabitation Agreements
Cohabitation agreements are a simple agreement made for people who decide to live together whether in a house, apartment or even dormitory.
Agreement Writing
An extension of our expert dispute resolution services. We want to be the best pre-dispute or negotiation partner on the market today.
Contact us, We are here to Help
Our additional services are here for your benefit and to offer a better level of customer service. We do not resolve and run! We are here for you. Pre-dispute and Conflict Management are was to avoid court, resolve issue before their problems and set a basic level of understanding between friends/partners.
Give me a call 405-765-8030 or send us a message through the form below. One of our experienced ADR specialists will contact you and to help.