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The use of a mediator to help resolve disputes is a widely used practice and one that can be a wise choice for family law cases. A mediator is an unbiased third party that will listen to both sides while remaining completely neutral.

Mediators Are A Great Alternative

The idea of going to court to decide your future and the future of your children is frightening, and it can also be extremely stressful. The dealings with a professional, experienced mediator will be held in a more conversational manner that helps to put both parties in control, as opposed to a sterile courtroom environment in which the judge and the lawyers have control. When you utilize the services of a mediator and come to an agreement, you most likely will not have to appear in court.

It Costs Less To Use A Mediator

By avoiding the costs involved in litigation, the amount of money saved will be enormous. Litigation can go on and on, and the outcome can be somewhat of an unknown. Mediation costs will be a fraction of the cost of a court hearing with lawyers litigating the case. This holds true in business-related cases and most any other type of legal issue. There are many good reasons that mediators are a great alternative.

Mediation Can Uphold And Not Diminish The Relationship

There is little doubt that two people who battle it out in court will not have much of a relationship left when it’s over. Using a mediator will result in a more civil and respectful negotiating process. There are already enough hard feelings in a divorce situation, and a “courtroom drama” will only add fuel to the fire. It is far better to keep the channels of communication open, especially when there are children involved.

Living With The Decision Of The Mediator

A mediator is a trained professional that will help solve the legal issues at hand. They are strictly a neutral third party, and they seek a smooth and timely resolution. They have no personal or financial interest in favoring one party over the other, as an attorney will with his or her own client. Because the decision of the mediator is the result of a thought-out negotiating process, both parties will be able to live by the decision.

A mediator is also frequently used in business. Staying out of a legal battle is in the best interest of all parties. Mediators are a great alternative in most legal cases.


Verhaeghe Law | Family Law

Supreme Court BC | Alternatives to Going to Court

FindLaw | The Advantages of Mediation Cases Over Traditional Lawsuits

PhloxADR | Mediation

  1. July 16, 2020

    I like what you said about using a divorce mediator so that you don’t have to go to court. My sister wants to separate from her husband in the coming months. I’ll share this information with her so that she can look into her options for mediation services that can help her with this.

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